Friday, May 20, 2011

Castling Kingside

It takes hours to build a sandcastle and seconds to destroy it. At this very moment, Tommy is involved in the former. There is no school this morning, so he came over to the playground after breakfast. Tommy loves building sandcastles; he visits the sandpit almost everyday. His mother is unhappy about having to vacuum the house everyday, but is reluctant to buy him Lego building blocks so that he won't go to the sandpit. And so he builds.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Half-Blind Prince

An eye for an eye makes the world go blind, but two eyes for an eye leaves you with one, and in the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king (inter caecos regnat luscus). This seems a sound strategy according to game theory, at least on the surface. But Hobbes tells us that even such a cyclopean king is susceptible to assassination by his blind subjects, so there will still be some degree of egalitarianism in this dystopia. However, blind subjects are perforce of lower economic value, both due to reduced capacity for labour, and reduced empathy as they cannot "see things" the same way as their liege. Also, what value does a one-eyed king have to a blind people? He might be able to do things better than them, but he would have less understanding of their issues, and there would be less social acceptance, even if he was clearly the best choice to lead.

Sunday, May 1, 2011